This is the original branding, created by ArtSpeak in Saint Louis, Mo and served as the foundation of the inspiration for the project.
This image contains assets created for the look. The idea was to create a vehicle to share and promote their 7 values as a church. Using their brand colors, i utilized the seven mountains in the brand to create 7 icons to represent each value. I also repeated the pattern and brand in their series title creating a Typographic Logo. Also seen here is a custom background pattern and a triangular environmental asset.
On this page, you will find more custom patterns created, the the full color palette, other layouts of the typographic logo as well as the brand itself, and the number 7 icon with a custom pattern embedded.
Here you'll see the 7 values stated together and independently with corresponding colored icons.
Finally, here is the flagship title graphic designed to kick off the campaign with a
sermon series!
sermon series!